
5 Health Challenges in Aging

As the aging season comes, health challenges also increase, putting a person at risk to health complications and low quality of life. However, learning about and preparing for these challenges can give you the upper hand of your loved one’s condition.

Being your trusted home care provider in Harwood Heights, Illinois, let us give you a quick look on at the five most common challenges that our aging loved ones face. Let this information equip you in providing more quality care.

  1. Injuries
    Due to age-related weakness, our senior loved ones can be prone to falling, which results in injuries, disabilities, and other life-threatening results. Ensure that you or a Caregiver in Illinois is keeping them company to prevent these falls from occurring.
  2. Chronic Diseases
    The names of hypertension, diabetes, and arthritis already ring familiar to our ears. These are common chronic diseases that occur in a person especially, in the aging season. To properly monitor their health, ensure that your loved one regularly meets with their doctor.
  3. Cognitive Diseases
    Mental decline is also another risk for the health of a senior person. Illnesses such as dementia can affect their thinking and daily decision-making, which in the long run, affects their overall quality of life.
  4. Malnutrition
    Health complications can also intensify when an aging person doesn’t have sufficient nutrition. However, this can happen when your loved one is frequently alone and no one to help attend to their daily meals.
  5. Sensory Ailments
    The aging season can also give way to sensory impairments, which affect their daily living. A decline in vision and hearing may happen to your aging loved one. When they manifest signs with these deficiencies, ensure that they get help right away.

How are you taking charge of your senior loved one’s overall health? When assistance in caring for your loved one, providers of non-medical home care solutions can visit them at home to help manage their daily activities and ensure their safety and comfort. At Angel Caregivers, Inc., you know you have a dependable team to help you out.

Ask us for inquiries.

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